We would like to inform the Filipino community that we are still on Alert Level 1 or heightened alertness. The community is advised to remain calm and to continuously monitor developments in South Korea.

Meanwhile, we would like to request all Filipinos in South Korea to familiarize themselves with 대피 소 (shelter) signages in their respective localities so that they know where to go during emergency situations. Below are photos of examples of 대피 소 signages pointing to designated areas all over South Korea to be used as emergency shelters.

Emergency Shelter Locations

Busan (Download File)
Chungcheongbukdo (Download File)
Daegu (Download File)
Daejeon City (Download File)
Gangwondo (Download File)
Gwangju (Download File)
Gyeonggido (Download File)
Gyeongsangbukdo (Download File)
Gyeongsannamdo (Download File
Incheon (Download File)
Jeju Island (Download File)
Jeollabukdo (Download File)
Jeollanamdo (Download File)
Seoul (Download File)
Ulsan City (Download File)