The Philippine Embassy in Seoul wishes to inform the public that the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) issued Resolution No. 10498 dated 13 February 2019 entitled Guidelines for Mass Media Accreditation in connection with the Conduct of Overseas Voting Under Republic Act No. 9189, otherwise known as The Overseas Voting Act of 2003 as Amended by Republict Act No. 10590 for purposes of the May 13, 2019 National and Local Elections.
The Resolution provides accredited mass media access to voting and canvassing centers in Posts and authorized field voting centers for purpose of observing and reporting on election events and procesess.
Interested parties requesting for accrediation need to submit personally to the Philippine Embassy the following:
- Duly-accomplished Accrediation Application Form;
- Two (2) recently-taken 2x2 colored photographs; and
- An endorsement from the newspaper, television, radio station or internet news agency employing the applicant.
The period for filing applications for accreditation shall be from 15 February 2019 to 31 March 2019. Applications filed after the last day for filing shall not be entertained.
COMELEC Resolution No. 10498 outlining the guidelines and other information on the accreditation as well as application forms may be downloaded from the the websites of the COMELEC ( and the Department of Foreign Affairs (