ACS visit to AmorePacific 1
[Top photo L-R] Charge d’affaires, a.i. Ms. Zelda Wulan Kartika of Indonesia, Deputy Chief of Mission and Counsellor Ms. Elenore Kang of Singapore, Ambassador Dato’ Mohd Zamruni Khalid of Malaysia, Ambassador Thant Sin of Myanmar, Ambassador Pg Hjh Nooriyah PLW Pg Hj Yussof of Brunei Darussalam, Ambassador Theresa Dizon-De Vega of the Philippines, Amore Pacific Group CEO Mr. Lee Sang-mok, Supply Chain Management Senior Vice President Mr. Kang Myung-gu, Ambassador Chring Botumrangsay of Cambodia, and Ambassador Tanee Sangrat of Thailand pose for a group photo in front of the Amore Pacific Osan Beauty Campus building. [Below photo left] ACS and Amore Pacific officials share a photo with the symbolic ASEAN handshake. [Below photo right] Ambassador Dizon-De Vega and Amore Pacific Group’s Supply Chain Management Senior Vice President Mr. Kang Myung-gu pose for a photo.


27 October 2024, Seoul. Philippine Ambassador to the Republic of Korea Theresa Dizon-De Vega, in her capacity as the Chairman of the ASEAN Committee in Seoul (ACS), spearheaded the visit of ACS Ambassadors and working-group representatives to the Amore Pacific Osan Beauty Campus located in Osan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea on 24 October 2024. AmorePacific Corporation is ROK’s largest cosmetic and skincare manufacturer. It is widely known for brands such as Sulwhasoo, Laneige, Innisfree, Etude House, Mamonde and the wellness beverage and food brand Osulloc.

During the visit, Ambassador Dizon-De Vega underscored the importance of building opportunities for future cooperation between the ACS and the AmorePacific Group given the growing prominence of K-beauty in the Southeast Asian market. The Ambassador also spotlighted avenues for greater engagement between AmorePacific and ASEAN countries through sourcing of ingredients and raw materials, research and development, manufacturing, supply chain distribution and consumer retail, among many others.

The company currently has 27 overseas bases six of which are in Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. The ASEAN region is a strategic market for the company, especially with the surge of the Hallyu Wave and its forward-looking economic growth.

The AmorePacific Beauty Park in Osan is Amore Pacific’s integrated production and logistics base, equipped with cutting-edge cosmetics manufacturing facilities and logistics centers. The ACS delegation was welcomed by Amore Pacific Group CEO Mr. Lee Sang-mok and Supply Chain Management Senior Vice President Mr. Kang Myung-gu.

The ACS received a briefing on the overview of the Amore Pacific, its domestic production plants, and global warehouse network. The group also visited the Amore Pacific Botanical Garden, a space where visitors can explore various species of plants such as Camellia, Tea, Peony, and Magnolia used as ingredients in Amore Pacific’s skincare and cosmetics products, the Amore Pacific archives which hold records and pertinent memorabilia from the company’s inception in 1945 to the present, and the Amore Pacific Factory which utilizes a supply chain management (SCM) intelligence system and autonomous manufacturing and production lines, requiring minimal human supervision for the actual production process of AmorePacific products.

The site visit to the AmorePacific Beauty Park is an initiative of the Philippine Embassy in Seoul. As part of the rotating Chairmanship, the ACS undertakes company visits to top corporations in ROK covering diverse fields of business and innovation to provide ASEAN Ambassadors and Embassies with a first-hand look at the corporate vision and roadmap of Korea’s top enterprises and to engender greater engagement on the economic front. This activity is the first visit of the ACS to a cosmetics, beauty, and wellness company in recent years. END 


ACS visit to AmorePacific 2
ACS members engage in a meaningful discussion with Amore Pacific officials on the company overview, regional and global expansion plans. 


ACS visit to AmorePacific 3
ACS members toured the Amore Pacific Archives, both are important facilities that house the company’s rich history and innovation. The Amore Pacific Archives has been established to collect, keep, manage, teach and exhibit a complete collection of records and materials related to AmorePacific. There are about 80,000 AmorePacific company records at the archive, including past products machine equipment, advertisement and PR materials. 


ACS visit to AmorePacific 4


ACS visit to AmorePacific 5
ACS delegation visited the Amore Pacific Beauty Campus in Osan, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea on 24 October 2024.