PR MTD 14 2024 WeGO Kick Off Event
[Above photo] Ambassador Theresa Dizon-De Vega delivers congratulatory remarks during the WeGO Secretariat 2024 Activities Kick-off Event on 20 February 2024 in Seoul. [Below photo] WeGO members and partners pose for a photo with WeGO Secretary General Jung Sook Park.


27 February 2024, Seoul. The Philippine Embassy in Seoul led by Ambassador Theresa Dizon-De Vega participated in the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO) Secretariat’s 2024 Activities Kick-off Event under the theme “Smart Life in a Smart City” held on 20 February 2024 at the Seoul Global Center. The event presented WeGO’s new key agendas, programs, and events for implementation in the smart city area throughout 2024.

Around 200 WeGO members, partners, and stakeholders from 31 countries, including 17 ambassadors, 14 corporate members and partners, and 17 institutions, participated in the event.

In her remarks, Ambassador Dizon-De Vega lauded WeGO for promoting a spirit of sharing and exchanging best practices and forging partnerships among cities around the world. The Ambassador also recognized WeGO’s important work in helping cities leverage their innovation potential through learning and partnership missions in Korea. Ambassador Dizon-De Vega likewise underscored the importance of these transformative benchmarking experiences as cities and provinces in the Philippines lead the way in building sustainable and innovative ecosystems for future-oriented communities.

She congratulated WeGO Secretary General Jung Sook Park for the organization’s accomplishments in the previous years. An official delegation from the 22nd Quezon City Council headed by Vice Mayor Gian Carlo Sotto also attended the event. Quezon City is a WeGo Partner city in the Philippines.

The Philippine Embassy in Seoul continues to work with WeGo for dynamic exchanges that help local governments in the Philippines learn good governance and sustainable practices. WeGO’s current efforts in developing the Smart City Index provides an overall view of the state of smart city initiatives, its championing of government and private sector partnerships, the Smart City Champions program, and the Seoul Smart City Prize, all contribute to this effort. END