30 September 2023, SEOUL – As part of the Philippine Embassy in Korea’s efforts to promote and protect the welfare of migrant women in the Republic of Korea, Third Secretaries, and Vice Consuls Reisha Olavario, Political, Economic, and GAD focal Officer, and Atty. Jilliane Joyce Cornista, Assistance-to-Nationals, and Legal Officer, participated in the International Seminar on Prevention of Violence against Migrant Women organized by the Women’s Human Rights Institute of Korea on 7 September 2023. Other invited participants include agency heads of the Women’s Rights Plus of Korea and Women Migrants Human Rights Center of Korea, as well as representatives from partner organizations helping migrants like Asia Chang, and Danuri Seoul.
Members of the Philippine Embassy shared Embassy-organized advocacies to promote gender and development including regular Gender and Development, Know-Your-Rights-and Responsibilities, and Organizational Safe Spaces seminars as well as legal aid programs designed to help migrant women and children better integrate into an increasingly multicultural community in the Republic of Korea. The Philippine Embassy also emphasized the importance of actively participating in the policy-making space through dialogues with relevant ROK officials and gender and development champions to advocate for the needs and interests of Filipino migrant women and children under the leadership of PH Ambassador to the Republic of Korea Theresa Dizon-De Vega.
The seminar also discussed recent trends and developments in gender-based violence and possible ways to uphold and protect the rights and the welfare of migrants, especially women and children in Korea. Participants agreed on the importance of a coordinated approach in working together to address violence against migrant women in Korea and the challenges encountered by organizations supporting victims of gender-based violence.
The Philippine Embassy encourages members of its community to report any incidence of violence against women through its Assistance-to-Nationals hotline at +82 10-9263-8119. END