14 August 2023, Seoul – Philippine Ambassador to the Republic of Korea Theresa Dizon-De Vega took part in the 2023 Employment Permit System (EPS) Conference held from 09-11 August 2023 in Busan, South Korea.
The meeting, organized by Korea’s Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) and the Human Resource Development Service Korea (HRDK) aims to facilitate further cooperation and knowledge sharing among the EPS sending countries. ROK Minister Lee Jung Sik conveyed the policy directions of the MOEL and pledged to take measures to protect the human rights and continuously improve workplace safety for migrant workers.
In her country statement, Ambassador de Vega called for fair employment and safe migration for all in line with the international commitments of the Philippines and the UN Global Compact for Migration. She advanced specific policy recommendations that would address issues being faced by EPS workers concerning workplace transfers, safety and health, repatriation, contract cancellation, and job roster selection system. “As we prepare for the 75th year of Philippines - Korea diplomatic relations and the 20th year of the Philippine-Korea MOU on EPS next year, the Philippines takes cognizance of the important role that the EPS has played in fostering cooperation on human resource development, productivity, and migrant workers protection between our countries. We remain highly committed to the improvement of the EPS for greater protection and welfare of our workers”, the Ambassador said.
The conference featured presentation by experts regarding the plans to reorganize the EPS and its future directions in the context of its achievements in the past twenty years, the demographic challenges in Korea, international labor commitments, and pressing issues faced by the industry. Among others, the EPS plans to expand the number of industries where E9 workers will be employed, and increase support for the development of workers’ language and vocational skills in order to warrant longer term employment.
Ambassador de Vega joined the HRDK Acting President, Young Joong Kim onstage during the launching of the HRDK’s new slogan, “Incorruptible EPS”, as well as the awarding of the EPS Excellence Awards wherein Mr. Jhumar Tablatin, Filipino EPS worker, was named the 2nd prize winner for the Worker category.
Labor Attaches of the EPS sending countries, including Ma. Celeste M. Valderrama of the Philippine Migrant Workers Office were also present during the EPS Conference.
The Philippines was the first government to sign the Memorandum of Understanding on EPS with Korea, and also sent the very first group of EPS workers to Korea in 2004. END