All interested Filipino Community-Organizations are invited to the “First South Korea Bowlers Club Ambassador’s Cup 2013” Tournament on October 5, 2013 @ Yongsan Bowling Lanes, Seoul, Korea
There will be Cash Prizes and Trophy to be awarded for the following:
Major awards per Team:
1. Champion = 4 trophies + cash
2. 1st Runner up = 4 trophies + cash
3. 2nd Runner up = 4 trophies + cash
Special awards:
1. High handicap Series
Male Category = 1 trophy + cash
Female Category = 1 trophy + cash
2. High handicap Game
Male Category = 1 trophy + cash
Female Category = 1 trophy + cash
Interested Filipino Community/ Organizations may signify their interest by writing the Tournament Director, Fr. Cedric Alimbuyong thru his email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for WelOf Virsie Tamayao .
Requirements for the Registration are the following:
1. Four (4) members per team (male / female)
2. Krw120,000 per Team @ 30,000/member = This amount will defray expenses for the bowling lane fee, food of bowling participants, and membership fee.
3. Passport numbers of participants for gate pass at U.S. Base.
The rules and procedure of the Bowling Tournament shall be issued in advisory to the participating FilCom organizations.