- Ambassador Theresa Dizon-De Vega welcomed senate and house legislative officers taking the Development of Academy of the Philippines - Korea Development Institute International Learning Course to Korea. The civil servants were technical staff officers of the budget and finance committee of the upper and lower house. Third Secretary and Vice Consul Reisha Olavario briefed the delegation on PH priorities and ROK projects they may wish to focus on during their training and in their future endeavors.
14 May 2023, Seoul – The Philippine Embassy in Korea continues to support the Philippines’ human resources capacity building initiatives by providing briefings to Filipino civil servants who are in Korea for international training. Last April 24 2023, Philippine Ambassador to Korea Theresa Dizon-De Vega welcomed legislative officers of the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives who were in Korea for a one-week training sponsored by the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) and the Korea Development Institute (KDI) under the DAP’s CBILLS program.
The Philippine Embassy welcomed the DAP delegation and briefed them on the complimentary priorities of the Philippines and the Republic of Korea in governance, innovation, and legislation. DAP Senior Vice President Magdalena L. Mendoza extended her appreciation to the Philippine Embassy for supporting Filipino civil servants’ training efforts and looked forward to working with the Embassy on more training programs and exchanges in the future. END