05 March 2023, Seoul. Ambassador Theresa B. Dizon-De Vega administered the oath-taking of the officers of two Filipino community organizations, the Filipino Photographers in South Korea (FILIPOS) and Filipino Uniteam South Korea (FUSK).
Organized in 2010, FILIPOS aims to “educate, encourage, and expand the photography knowledge and capabilities of its members, in an atmosphere of camaraderie and fun with Filipino communities in South Korea." Led by its incoming President Warlito Ildefonso, Jr., FILIPOS also renewed their Certificate of Recognition and expressed their commitment to support Embassy activities geared towards the uplifting of the general welfare and profile of the Filipino community.
Also on the same date, the Ambassador presented the Filipino Uniteam South Korea with their Certificate of Registration as a new Filipino community organization. FUSK aims to, among others, assist multicultural families and Filipino marriage migrants become “productive and active members of Korean society.” The organization, led by its first President, Ms. April Valle, has engaged in humanitarian activities for the benefit of needy families in the Philippines and, most recently, earthquake victims in Turkey.
Witnessing the recognition and oath-taking were Consul General Romulo Victor “Jun” Israel, Jr., Vice Consul Jill De Dumo-Cornista, Labor Attaché Maya Valderrama, Welfare Officer Pops Deuna, Cultural Officer Anthony Cornista, and Migrant Workers Officer Manny Barotilla.
The Philippine Embassy continues to accept new registration, renewal, or administration of oaths for the induction of newly elected officers of Filipino community organizations in South Korea. For more information, please visit http://www.philembassy-seoul.com/filipino_community.asp. END