Ambassador Theresa Dizon-De Vega delivered the keynote address at the opening ceremony of the Korea Maritime Week on 21 September 2022.
Under the theme, “Challenges and tasks in the international maritime sector in the new normal era”, the Korea Maritime Week 2022 brought together government officials, international experts, and the academe to discuss major issues in the international maritime sector.
In her remarks, Ambassador De Vega emphasized how international cooperation on shared priorities such as green shipping, protection of the marine environment through digitalization and de-carbonization, and economic cooperation form part of the comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to address the broad challenges of the maritime sector. She also noted that the impact of marine litter and plastic pollution on water and food supplies, public health, and industries such as fishing, shipping, and tourism is a shared problem that requires shared solutions. The Ambassador also lauded the ROK for taking steps to recognize the value of a green ship and potential strategies to increase energy efficiency and decarbonize global shipping, an area of interest and cooperation for the Philippines.
Ambassador De Vega was joined by ROK Vice Minister for Oceans and Fisheries Song Seung Dal, IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim, ROK National Assembly Representative Ahn Byung-gil, and the Mayor of Busan Park Heong-joon. END