Ambassador Theresa Dizon-De Vega, DFA Assistant Secretary for Maritime and Oceans Affairs Maria Angela A. Ponce, and the rest of the Philippine delegation had a productive meeting with Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation (KOEM) Vice President and Executive Director Sang Joon Yoo, along with team members of the KOEM Maritime Conservation Division to discuss collaboration opportunities between the PH and ROK marine and fisheries sector with the organizational support of KOEM.
KOEM spearheads ROK’s global efforts in marine environment management. Ambassador Dizon-De Vega expressed interest in furthering international cooperation between the PH and ROK in sharing best practices on the management system for a sustainable marine environment. She likewise informed KOEM that the Philippines is actively taking part in international efforts for the preservation of the marine environment by enhancing PH's capability to respond to international issues. To date, KOEM is involved with KOICA in the marine-litter collecting vessel and Enhancement of Marine Litter Management in Manila Bay projects of the ROK in the Philippines. These form part of the ROK USD7.7 million Official Development Assistance to the Philippines for the establishment of a marine litter monitoring system and training for officials of the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG). KOEM also supports ROK’s bilateral partnership with the Philippines in achieving clean and sustainable oceans by combatting marine plastic pollution.
Assistant Secretary Ponce briefed KOEM officials on the Philippine National Plan of Action on Marine Litter. Both sides agreed to see where KOEM and the Philippines can cooperate in various areas under the action plan, including the reduction of plastic consumption and enhancement of waste and material management infrastructure and systems.
KOEM also introduced marine conservation awareness programs it undertakes such as the KOEM bus, an informational caravan on maritime awareness and marine environmental management, which travels around major maritime cities in Korea. The Philippine delegation was able to visit the KOEM bus during Korea Maritime Week on separate occasions. END