PR Palit Visa Webinar

9 July 2022, Seoul. The Philippine Embassy in Seoul, through the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), held on 3 July 2022 an online seminar on “Palit-Visa: How to Change from E9 to E7 and F2-99 visa” as part of its Labor Education Program. The webinar was organized in response to the numerous requests for guidance on how EPS workers can transition to a visa type that will allow them to stay and work in Korea for a longer period.

In her welcome message, Ambassador Theresa Dizon –De Vega underscored the importance of having correct information on the options available to Overseas Filipino Workers to maximize their stay in Korea in an orderly manner. “Organizing the seminar is a result of consultations with the Filipino community and other stakeholders on information that is important to them. It is also part the Embassy’s response to ensuring that the rights and welfare of our OFWs are protected”, the Ambassador said. With this learning session on visa matters, the Embassy hopes to provide important and timely information on how to navigate a viable pathway within the Korean immigration and labor point system and other regulations, Ambassador De Vega added.

During the webinar, Mr. Ernie David, a former EPS worker who recently obtained an E7 visa, shared his personal experience in transitioning to a new visa. “It was not as easy as I thought it would be. I was fortunate to have the support of my employer. If you want to change your visa category, you should demonstrate your competence as a skilled worker, plan and prepare well to achieve the labor points, and maintain a positive relationship with your employer”, advised Mr. David.

Mr. Jang Manik, a Licensed Administrative Agent, was the resource expert during the seminar. He presented in detail the basic eligibility requirements, annual quota, and quarterly schedule of application for E7 visa, and how the point system is applied. He also discussed the requirements for application in F2-99 visa which grants long-term residency to foreigners.

Labor Attache Maya Valderrama of POLO Korea and Director Katherine Corteza of the Itaewon Global Village Center (IGVC) co-facilitated the learning event which had 400 registered participants. The webinar was held in partnership with the IGVC and the Filipino EPS Workers Association (FEWA).

For interested viewers, the recorded webinar may be viewed via