1 IGF 2022

30 June 2022, Seoul – The Philippine Trade and Investment Center (PTIC) in Seoul headed by Commercial Counselor Mr. Jose Ma. Dinsay in partnership with the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry – Export Marketing Bureau led the successful Philippine participation at the IGF from 23 to 25 June 2022 at COEX, Seoul. On display at the Philippine booth are natural and organic food and non-food products as well a specialty items, natural ingredients and local delicacies from the Philippines.

Philippine Ambassador to the Republic of Korea H.E. Theresa Dizon-De Vega graced the opening ceremony of the Import Goods Fair (IGF) 2022 an annual business exhibition organized by the Korea Importers Association (KOIMA).

In addition to onsite meetings, around 40 online B2B meetings between Philippine manufacturers/exporters and Korean buyers were also organized to support the companies that were not able to join the event onsite in Seoul. END

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