3PR-MTD-169-2024 - Oath PEAK Hanphil PCH.png

15 December 2024, Seoul. Ambassador Theresa B. Dizon-De Vega presented three Filipino Community Organizations – the Philippine Engineers Association in Korea (PEAK), Hanphil-Sasang Damunhwa (HSD), and Pinoy Community in Hwaseong-Si (PCH) – their Certificate of Registration, which symbolizes and reaffirms their commitment to help protect and promote the general welfare and interests of the Filipino community, in December this year.

In her message to the Filipino community organizations, Ambassador Dizon-De Vega conveyed her enthusiasm for collaborating with these groups in the coming months. She emphasized the importance of leveraging their respective expertise to advance various initiatives, particularly those aimed at enhancing discussions on migration in South Korea. These include programs such as the Post-Arrival Orientation Seminars for EPS workers and marriage migrants, the "Know Your Rights and Responsibilities" Seminar Series, and reintegration programs under the PEAK Pinoy initiative.

Witnessing the recognition and oath-taking were Deputy Chief of Mission and Consul General Romulo Victor M. Israel, Jr., Vice Consul Jill De Dumo-Cornista, Labor Attache Ma. Celeste M. Valderrama, and Welfare Officer Cornelia D.G. Chanco.

The Philippine Embassy continues to accept new registration, renewal, or administration of oaths for the induction of newly elected officers of Filipino community organizations in South Korea. For more information, please visit http://www.philembassy-seoul.com/filipino_community.asp. END