PR MTD 146 2024

19 November 2024, Seoul. A total of 158 Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) graduated from the 2024 Livelihood Skills Training for Reintegration Program organized by the Philippine Embassy in Seoul, through the Migrant Workers Office (MWO) and the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA). The graduation ceremony took place on 10 November 2024 at the Sentro Rizal Hall of the Embassy.

This on-site reintegration program is part of the National Reintegration Program and OWWA's livelihood and entrepreneurship skills development initiative for OFWs. Its goal is to assist Filipinos working in South Korea in effectively planning and preparing for their safe, orderly, and productive reintegration back to the Philippines.

The graduates completed a series of skills training courses offered between March and October 2024, including Basic and Advanced Sewing, Basic Photography, Basic Photo Editing, Basic Baking (Bread, Pastry, and Cake Making and Decorating), Korean Side Dishes Making, and Hair Science. The courses were held regularly on weekends at the Migrant Workers Resource Center.

In her inspirational message, Ambassador Theresa Dizon-De Vega underscored that the Skills Training Program, which has been implemented every year for several years now, is part of the ongoing and pro-active empowerment eco-system of the Philippine Embassy for Filipinos who are living and working in South Korea. She commended the volunteer teachers for sharing their expertise, and congratulated the graduates for choosing to spend their weekends learning and acquiring new skills, whether in support of their business plans or personal and social development. To inspire the graduates, Ambassador Dizon-De Vega shared the success stories of former OFWs who have made the successful transition from workers to entrepreneurs. She expressed hope that the skills training would also open doors to new opportunities for the graduates, and re-affirmed the whole-of-government support for the orderly reintegration of the OFWs and their families.

One of the graduates, Mr. Mark Jay B. Reyes, a former EPS worker now holding an E-7 visa, expressed his gratitude to the Embassy, MWO, and OWWA for the continuing conduct of learning activities for the Filipino community. A photography enthusiast who also enjoys cooking, baking, and hair cutting, Mr. Reyes plans to open a food business and bakery upon returning to the Philippines.

To recognize their dedication, ten outstanding trainees were awarded medals for their hard work and commitment to the training. Their achievements will serve as an inspiration to future participants.

Consul General Romulo Victor Israel, Labor Attache Ma. Celeste Valderrama and Welfare Officer Cornelia DG. Chanco assisted the Ambassador in conferring the awards and Certificates of Completion to the graduates and resource persons.

The Embassy invites all OFWs and the Filipino community in South Korea to look forward to the opening of the 2025 Livelihood Skills Training Program, which is expected to commence in the first quarter of next year. -END-