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28 October 2024, Seoul. The Philippine Embassy, in partnership with the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) and the United Filipinos in Korea (UFILKOR), successfully launched the inaugural Youth Leaders in the Diaspora (YouLEAD) – Korea immersion program from 21 to 27 October 2024. 

This initiative, part of the yearlong commemoration of the 75th anniversary of Philippines-Korea diplomatic relations, aims to help young Filipino-Korean individuals deepen their understanding and appreciation of their Filipino heritage, develop supportive networks with peers, and cultivate their talents as future leaders.

The program welcomed 25 Filipino-Korean youth, ages 15 to 27, who took part in a diverse array of activities designed to enhance cultural awareness and foster leadership potential. As a highlight of their send-off at the Embassy on 20 October 2024, Ambassador Theresa Dizon-de Vega delivered a warm welcome, encouraging the youth to embrace this unique opportunity to connect with their Filipino heritage, build lifelong friendships, and celebrate both the shared history and future that unite the Philippines and Korea.

Dr. Son Byung-ho, Chairman of the Multicultural General Welfare Center in Seoul, which generously supported the YouLeaD participants, attended the pre-departure orientation and remarked that it made him proud for the center to play a privileged part in this undertaking that uplifts and empowers Filipino-Korean youth. He also spoke highly of the invaluable contribution of the Philippines during the Korean War that Filipinos and Koreans alike should never forget but find it an inspiration for closer cooperation and mutual support.

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Consul General Romulo Victor M. Israel, Jr., serving as the program’s lead coordinator, provided the participants with an overview of what to expect during their time in the Philippines, including basic facts about the Philippines, its history, cultural diversity, and key landmarks. This was followed by an interactive session to allow the participants to get to know each other better, creating a welcoming atmosphere that set the tone for a week of meaningful cultural immersion and discovery.

The delegation engaged in a language workshop and gender and development (GAD) training at the CFO Office in Quezon City, followed by an enriching interaction with students of the Las Piñas National High School’s Special Program for Foreign Language (SPFL) – Korean Language Course. The young delegates were also introduced to the rich Philippine heritage at the National Museum of Fine Arts, National Museum of Natural History, National Museum of Anthropology and the historic walled city of Manila, Intramuros.

A highlight of the program was the participants’ courtesy call on DFA Undersecretary for Migration Affairs Eduardo Jose A. De Vega and Assistant Secretary for Cultural Diplomacy Celia M. Feria at the Department of Foreign Affairs. Undersecretary De Vega emphasized the importance of Filipino pride and shared history, referencing the Philippines’ support for Korea during the Korean War, while Assistant Secretary Feria encouraged the youth to embrace the Filipino language and celebrate their bicultural identity.

The program’s final days included visits to historical sites in Ilocos and Vigan, giving participants a memorable first-hand experience of, and profound connection to, the Philippines’ vibrant history and culture. A dinner hosted by the Philippine Embassy at Barbara’s in Intramuros showcased traditional Filipino cuisine, allowing the youth to celebrate their experiences and newfound connections.

Working in groups of five, the participants coming from Jeollanamdo, Jeollabukdo, Gyeonggi, Daegu, Gwangju and Seoul, will be sharing their insights and learnings from the immersion program in creative video format during the annual gathering of families of UFILKOR members to be attended by Ambassador Dizon-De Vega on 07 December 2024.

The 1st YouLEAD – Korea program was a resounding success, enriching Filipino-Korean youth with a sense of pride, understanding, and community that will empower them as they contribute to society in the Philippines and in Korea. END

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