29 August 2024, Seoul – Philippine Ambassador Theresa Dizon-De Vega met with the officials and Filipino welders at the HJ Shipbuilding and Construction (HJSC) in Yeongdo Shipyard in Busan during her worksite visit on 28 August 2024.
HJSC is the biggest direct employer of Filipinos in Korea’s shipbuilding industry to date. Since March 2023, the HJSC has employed 201 skilled Filipino welders comprising 36% of the company’s field workers. Their work is critical to the company’s Hull Production Team.
During the meeting with Chief Executive Officer Yoon, Sang Cheol, the company praised the Filipino welders for their exceptional skills, dedication, and adaptability to the local work culture. “The arrival of the skilled Filipino workers has not only helped us overcome labor shortages but has also revitalized our manufacturing processes. We appreciate the Philippine government for providing such excellent workers and look forward to even greater development and collaboration between our countries”, the CEO said.
Ambassador Dizon-de Vega expressed appreciation to the HJSC for providing a commendable work environment for the Filipino workers that promotes their welfare and productive employment. “Human resource development is an important pillar of the people-to-people ties of our countries, and for the last twenty (20) years, we have cooperated on Korea’s Employment Permit System (EPS) where the majority of our workers belong. The opening of the shipbuilding industry to skilled foreign workers has created a new employment pathway for our experienced and skilled welders, who are given E7 visa and equal protection under both Philippine and Korean labor laws”, the Ambassador said.
The Ambassador was given a tour of the shipyard where the Filipino workers are assigned, and had a productive meeting with them. Ambassador de Vega said that she was pleased and proud to know that the HJSC is very satisfied with the exceptional skills and work performance of the Filipino welders. “I can see that the company provides you with a supportive environment like a family. I hope that you will continue to demonstrate your skills and positive work ethics that Filipinos are known for worldwide”, the Ambassador said.
She encouraged the workers to stay connected with the Philippine Embassy and the Migrant Workers Office – OWWA and to participate in its various activities, either face-to-face or online, such as Know Your Rights and Responsibility Seminars, Financial Literacy and Skills Training, Peak Pinoy, and Outreach Missions. During the open forum, the workers showed great interest on OWWA program and services, overseas voting, OEC issuance, and social security services. On behalf of the 200 Filipinos working in HJSC, OFW Reinier Villar expressed their appreciation for the visit of the Ambassador and other officials, saying that it has given them honor and great encouragement.
The Embassy delegation included Labor Attache Ma. Celeste Valderrama, Welfare Attache Cornelia DG Chanco and MWO staff, while the HJSC officials included Shipyard Executive Director Heo, Jung Goo, Chief Human Resource Officer Park, Yong-Sik, Production Team Leader Yun, Jae-woong. -END-