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26 November 2023, Seoul. The Philippine Embassy conducted its first Post Arrival Orientation Seminar (PAOS) and Mentorship Program for Filipino Marriage Migrants in Busan and Seoul, South Korea, on 25 and 26 November 2023, respectively.

Conducted in consonance with the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding between the Embassy and the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) in September 2023, the PAOS is meant to empower and support marriage migrants as they embark on their journey in ROK. The seminar followed an informal and open sharing format that allowed pioneering marriage migrants to become mentors to the newly arrived ones, and share experiences in addressing multicultural family dynamics. Among the issues discussed include challenges in adapting to Korean family culture, language barriers, raising multicultural children, access to services, and immigration-related concerns.

In her welcome remarks, Ambassador Ma. Theresa B. Dizon-De Vega said that marriage migrants comprise at least 20% of the Overseas Filipino population in South Korea today. As multiculturalism continues to spread in South Korea, Ambassador Dizon-De Vega said that the Embassy intends to strengthen the linkages among marriage migrants and build a community that could help one another better understand cultural and social norms, as well as legal regulations in South Korea. She also acknowledged the pioneering efforts of earlier Filipino marriage migrants who have tirelessly extended their hand and knowledge to support newcomers to overcome migration barriers effectively.

Serving as mentors are various Filipino community members from the United Fil-Korean Families in Busan represented by Ms. Cherry Baek, United Filipinos in Korea represented by Ms. Mercy Hachero, Seoul Filipino Parents and Children Organization represented by Ms. Venus Avelino, and ROK Presidential Committee on National Cohesion Member and former National Assembly Member Ms. Jazmine Lee. Informational discussions on consular services and rights of dual citizens/marriage migrants on overseas voting were also facilitated by Consul General Romulo Victor M. Israel, Jr., while Police Officer Do Young Jo of the Busan Police Agency gave a lecture on emergency protocols for victims of domestic violence.

The Embassy intends to roll-out in 2024 the PAOS and Mentorship Program in Gwangju and other parts of South Korea with high concentrations of marriage migrants. For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. END

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