[Top Left] Ambassador Dizon - De Vega (2nd from left) joined by (L-R) Third Secretary and Vice Consul Reisha Olavario, Commercial Counselor Jose Ma Dinsay and Trade Officer Ms. Aija Jeon. [Top Right] PHILKOREC Officials led by Mr. Robert L. Yupangco. [Bottom] Ambassador Dizon-De Vega poses for a photo with the members of the business delegation.

24 August 2023, Seoul.  The Philippine Embassy welcomed a business mission from the Philippine Korea Economic Council (PHILKOREC) at the Sentro Rizal Hall of the Philippine Embassy on 16 August 2023.

PHILKOREC recently conducted a Business Mission in Korea with a 42-member delegation from 15 to 20 August in Seoul. The delegation which was composed of LGU investment officers, entrepreneurs and professionals representing various sectors like Food, Franchising, Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Education, Real Estate, Construction, Cosmetics and Financial Services, was led by Mr. Robert Yupangco, Chairman of PHILKOREC.

The Philippine Embassy, through the Philippine Trade and Investment Center-Seoul, organized different business activities for the delegation which included B2B meetings and site visits.

135 B2B meetings were arranged between the delegates and 34 Korean companies which were held at the Sentro Rizal of the Philippine Embassy. The delegates were also able to visit sites related to cosmetics at SD Bio, solar panel manufacturing at Hyundai Energy Solutions, AI applications in Healthcare at Incheon Baek Hospital and Deep Noid Security Technology for Airport application at Gimpo Airport. END  

PHILKOREC delegates engaged in a business-to-business (B2B) activity with various Korean companies.