The Sookmyung Women's University Asian Women's Research Institute with the support of the Korea Exchange Foundation (KEF) has carried out since 2008 a prize contest for the essays by women marriage migrants about "My Life in Korea" written in their own language. For this year's public invitation and the following years, may we as women marriage migrants in our large number participate with growing interest in order to nurture a noble, wonderful and enterprising spirit.

Applicants: Women marriage migrants living in Korea
(Divorced and separated women are also qualified to join in the contest)

Essay length: Less than 3 pages of A4-size paper (Be exciting, 11pts, 100% personal, line spacing 160)

Essay content: Write about what you have experienced and felt as a woman marriage migrant on the following themes:
1. My experiences with Korean culture (traditional art, food, etiquette, etc)
2. Family life in Korea (family's mutual understanding and unity, children's upbringing and education)
3. My economic adaptation and financial advancement in Korea
4. My travel experiences in Korea
5. Any other experiences (Korean lifestyle and association experience)

Languages: Your own native language
Deadline for submission: June 2, 2013 (5pm)

Announcement of Winners and Award Ceremony: October 1, 2013
1 Grand Prize: 3 million won in cash
2 Gold Prizes: 1 million won in cash
5 Silver Prizes: 700,000 won in cash
10 Bronze Prizes: 500,000 in cash
15 Honorable Mentions: 300,000 won

Submit entries with name, phone number, home address and country of origin to:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the following address Z.C. Goryeo Bldg, 204, 101-49 Garwol-dong, Yongsan-gy, Seoul