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11-12 June 2023, Seoul. From June 11 to 12, 2023, the Philippine Embassy with OFW Party-list Representative Hon. Marissa “Del Mar” Magsino held a town hall meeting with the Filipino Community and dialogues with various Korean government offices on Overseas Filipino concerns.

Members of the Filipino community in South Korea attended a Town Hall on OFW concerns with Rep. Magsino on June 11 at the Hyehwadong Catholic Center Conference Room. In her opening remarks, Ambassador Ma. Theresa Dizon-De Vega emphasized the ongoing efforts of the Embassy with the DMW through the MWO in Seoul in assisting the Philippines legislature in responding to the concerns of the overseas Filipino Community. For her part, Rep. Magsino committed to do a follow-through on her office’s ongoing initiatives, including dialogues with PhilHealth on OFW contributions, increased access to SSS services, addressing financial scams, and the seasonal workers program, among others.

On June 12, Ambassador Dizon-De Vega, Rep. Magsino and Labor Attaché Ma. Celeste M. Valderrama met with Rep. Cho Jung Hun of the Korean National Assembly regarding the possible deployment of foreign household workers in South Korea. Rep. Magsino emphasized the need for equal treatment and observance of labor standards and international commitments that will safeguard the welfare and interests of foreign workers in ROK.

On the same day, Rep. Magsino together with Consul General Romulo Victor M. Israel, Jr., and Vice Consul Jill De Dumo-Cornista visited the Seoul Foreign Residents’ Center to conduct benchmarking studies on welfare and legal assistance services available to foreign residents in Korea. The Center reported receiving requests for assistance from Overseas Filipinos mostly on labor-related issues, such as transferring employers and claiming benefits. Concluding the series of meetings was Rep. Magsino’s visit to the MWO (formerly POLO) and OWWA facilities, where supplementary discussions on OFW concerns were held. END

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