Photocard PH ROK Investment Forum Oct2022

DTI Undersecretary Ceferino Rodolfo, Ambassador Thresa Dizon-De Vega, Aboitiz InfraCapital CEO Cosette Canilao, PEZA Acting DDF Aleem Siddiqui Guiapal, DTI, BOI, DOE, Aboitiz officials at the Investment Mission

16 November 2022, SEOUL – A Philippines-Korea Investment Forum with close to one hundred participating Korean companies was held on 19 October 2022 at the Hotel President, Seoul, Republic of Korea. The forum was organized by the Philippine Trade and Investment Center in Seoul led by Commercial Counselor Jose Ma “Jojie” Dinsay in cooperation with the Department of Trade and Industry led by Undersecretary Ceferino Rodolfo, the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) represented by Deputy Director General for Finance and Administration OIC, Mr. Aleem Siddiqui Guiapal and Aboitiz InfraCapital. The Department of Energy was likewise represented by Assistant Secretary Mario Marasigan.

Philippine Ambassador to Korea Theresa Dizon-De Vega welcomed the forum participants and invited them to learn more about the investment opportunities in the Philippines. Undersecretary Rodolfo, Mr. Guiapal, BOI Executive Director Corazon Halili-Dichosa, Aboitiz Lima Land President Rafael de Mesa, and Aboitiz InfraCapital CEO Cosette Canilao presented various aspects of the business and investment climate in the Philippines.

Currently, there are about 251 South Korean locators in the Philippines’ economic zones engaged in activities such as the manufacturing of radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus; fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment; rubber and plastic products; real estate activities; and wearing apparel. The investment forum aims to generate awareness among the participating companies and to further establish the Philippines as the preferred investment destination in the region. It also presented the various incentives the Philippine government is offering to foreign investors in economic zones and industrial estates.

Prior to the forum, the Philippine delegation visited the Embassy to discuss their activities in Seoul. END