Photocard 2022JejuInternationalPeaceConference

Ambassador Dizon-De Vega with fellow panelists at the Jeju International Peace Conference

12 November 2022, Seoul – Philippine Ambassador to Korea Theresa Dizon-De Vega joined other panelists from the diplomatic corps, academe, media, think-tanks, and government institutions at the Jeju International Peace Conference held on 11 November 2022 in WE Hotel, Jeju Island.

The Conference was hosted and organized by the Jeju Chapter of the Peaceful Unification Advisory Council (PUAC); a constitutional body established in accordance with Art 92 of the ROK Constitution. The PUAC assists the ROK government in implementing policies on democratic and peaceful unification on a bipartisan and pan-national level. It serves as an advisory body to the President of ROK regarding policy development and implementation for a democratic and peaceful inter-Korean unification. The ROK President serves as Chairperson of the PUAC.

Ambassador Dizon-De Vega shared the Philippines’ position on the de-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula as well as its support for the peace initiatives of the Republic of Korea. END