PR MTD 128 2022 Jeju Outreach

29 October 2022, Seoul. The Philippine Embassy conducted its fourth consular outreach mission for the year from 28 to 29 October 2022, in Jeju City, led by Ambassador Theresa Dizon-De Vega. The Embassy rendered 124 units of consular and Assistance to Nationals services to members of the Filipino community, including e-passport applications, notarials, marriage solemnization, civil registration, oath-taking of dual citizenship applicants, assistance-to-nationals and other services. Representatives from PAG-IBIG, POLO and OWWA, also joined the outreach and rendered a combined 221 services, including renewal of OWWA membership and OEC processing, contract verification, and inquiries on opening of PAG-IBIG regular and MP2 accounts, among others.

The Embassy Team likewise conducted a Services Information Session attended by officers of the Nagkakaisang Pilipino sa Jeju (NaPIL) and other volunteers on matters regarding visa applications, consular services, and other government services and requests for assistance. Ambassador Dizon-De Vega, Consul General Romulo Israel, Vice Consul Jilliane De Dumo-Cornista, and Labor Attaché Maria Celeste Valderrama conducted the session.

An awarding ceremony for the volunteers from NaPIL was also held to conclude the outreach mission. The Philippine Embassy is now in the process of drawing up its schedule for the 2023 Consular Outreach Calendar. END