1PR MTD 104 2022 YCAFE

23 August 2022 – Chargé d’affaires, a.i. Romulo Victor M. Israel Jr. attended the Opening Ceremony of the Youth Camp for ASEAN & Friends’ Engagement (YCAFE) held on 22 August 2022 at the Fairmont Ambassador Seoul. This marks the inaugural launch of the flagship youth program between the ASEAN member states and the Republic of Korea.

One of the highlights of YCAFE is its connectivity arrangements with other youth program such as the ASEAN Korea Centre (AKC) led ASEAN Youth Network in Korea (AYNK), and the US led Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI).

The launch was attended by Officials from ROK MOFA, US State Department, the US and ASEAN Ambassadors in ROK, and youth participants of the YCAFE who flew to Korea. 

2PR MTD 104 2022 YCAFE

CDA Romulo Victor Israel Jr. (center-left) with Filipino participants of the ASEAN-ROK Youth Camp for ASEAN Friends’ Engagement, (L to R) Prof. Jeoffrey Calimag, Ms. Dawn Naval, and Mr. Justin Van Rivera.